Animation has become increasingly popular on advertisements lately, we see animation in many adverts. Animation can be used in many differents ways and is sometimes more beneficial than using actual actors and actresses as you can be a lot more creative when using computer generated animation. You can add really noticable features that aren't real. For certain advertisements, it's a lot better to use animation as the audience for the certain product might be of a younger age and the cartoon look is what they watch and what appeals to them. Animation based advertisements also have many pros due to you being able to do a lot more with animation adverts rather than actual actors and actresses, you can do more things with animation therefore it can be more creative and interesting to watch.
Below I have found an advertisement that uses animation.
This is the Coco Pops cerial advert that is created using computer generated animation. This advert is obviously mainly for children and this type of advert would instantly catch their attention. However this even catches the attention of adults as it's different and eye catching because of how much there is going on and obviously adults like cereal too so this type of advert is also adult based but the main target audience is children. This advert also needs to catch the adults attention as they will be the one's buying the product. E.g mostly for their children.
This advert uses Propps theory as it has a villain and a hero. The hero in the end makes the cerial and stops the villain from ruining it.